The Markham Bad Habit Race is a 4 hour mountain bike race with Solo and Team Relay categories. Teams may consist of up to 4 riders. There are Junior categories and Kid’s races. Race is Sunday, January 19, 2025.
Kids Race starts at 8:30 AM
Race starts at 9:30 AM.
E-bike race starts at 1:30pm (3 or 4 laps (20 +/-miles).
Racecourse will be available to pre ride Friday and Saturday before the race. No pre ride on the day of the race.
Registration is online ONLY
Please support the Markham Park Mountain Bike Trails by entering the race. All proceeds go to the Markham Park Trail Building Fund and will be used to build and maintain YOUR Markham Park Trail System.
All kids will receive medals.
Adult top 3 finishers receive medals and podium.
*All kids 3-11 will receive a participation medal. 1,2,3 place winners will be announced. Kid races to
start 1 hour before the main event. Kids 3-5 may ride bikes or push-bikes. No bikes with training wheels
allowed. Parents may walk or ride along with each 3-5 year old child. For safety and fairness of all the
child racers parents for 6-11 will NOT be allowed to ride along with their child. Designated volunteers
will sweep the course riding behind the last place racer to make sure all kids make it back safe.
Packet Pickup will be Saturday, January 18, 2025 at:
Markham Park in front of BIKEBOX
10AM - 2PM
Late Packet Pickup
Sunday, January 19, 2025 before the race, 7:30AM - 9:00AM
You can pick up your race plate on race day if you are traveling from out of town and cannot make the packet pick-up the day before the race.
Solo Categories:
Men Expert (19-39), (40+)
Men Sport (19-39), (40-49), (50-50), (60+)
Men Base (19-39), (40-49), (50-59), (60+)
Men Novice (19-39), (40-49), (50+)
Men Single Speed
Women Open Expert
Women Sport (19-39), (40+)
Women Base (19-39), (40+)
Junior M (18 and under)
Junior F (18 and under)
**Solo categories may be combined if there are not at least 3 registered racers in a category.**
Men Expert
Men Base
Team Categories:
Team Expert 2-4 riders
Team Sport 2-4 riders
Team Base 2-4 riders
Team Novice 2-4 riders
Team Female 2-4 riders
Team Coed 2-4 riders
Youth Categories:
3-5: fun ride
Boys 6-8: 1 lap kids course
Girls 6-8: 1 lap kids course
Boys 9-11: 2 laps kids course
Girls 9-11: 2 laps kids course
*Class designation is the last class you raced in during the past 5 years. Sport team no more than one Expert member. Intermediate (base) team no more than one Sport member. Novice team no more than one Intermediate (base) member.
$65 per adult racer
Junior registration is $25.
Kids 6-11 registration is $10.
Kids 3-5 registration is free.
For team registration it is a 2-step process.
Step 1: Team captain signs up and enters Team Name, Team Members (full names not required at this step), Division and contact email. After submitting payment the team captain will be sent a confirmation email.
Step 2: In the top of the confirmation email there is a link for each team member to sign up with their own personal contact information. Share this email with each member of your team.
Trails are maintained and improved by volunteers. Let's help make them better!